
What I was really thinking…..

For today’s prompt, I am to write about a what I was really thinking. Human beings are social creatures. As such we often change our behaviours to avoid isolation and being ostracized. A challenge that I continue to face is expressing what I am really thinking. More specifically, I have difficulty expressing my true self because of how I process information. The job I had had was being a parts picker for BMW vehicles. It…

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On being loved

It’s been a few days since the last writing prompt. For today’s topic, I am to write on being loved. This will be another difficult question to answer. First, I know the world has several different meanings. On being loved, I know I’ve experienced it from my family and friends. I have yet to experience it romantically, but that’s for the best at present. I have recently rediscovered love of myself and will continue to…

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Something I don’t remember, never feeling like I belonged

After a weekend off, I’ve decided to get back into writing with today’s prompt. Writing as a Black man, the title says a lot. I never remembered feeling as if I belonged anywhere growing up. It was something I unconciously noted growing up. I always never seemed to fit what someone else’s idea of who I should be. It frustrated me, I wanted to tell people that I’m Jonathan. That was never enough for society…

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A time I knew I did the right thing: quitting a sales job

Today’s prompt is pretty self-evident. I knew I did the right thing quitting a sales job after a week. In this earlier post, I wrote about my experiences during the week at said job. I tried to have an open mind to about the experience and I learned a little about human psychology. The only problem is, that I felt that B2B sales are exploitive. I left because I was experiencing cognitive dissonance. Any situation…

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Somthing I lost and will never get back

For today’s writing prompt, I have to think a little deeper about this question. It isn’t so much that I’ve lost a material thing, but I think the experinces of childhood.The reason I say this is because my father became very sick when I was child. It  was twenty years ago that my father suffered a pulmonary embolism that nearly killed him. My brother and I were home for summer break, hanging out and wathcing…

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Trapped Inside Myself

A lesson I learned a hard way: eductaion

Continuing from the last article post, I am writing today’s prompt. A lesson I had to learn the hard way was the difference between education and being educated. If you read the last sentence, you may feel that the two are one in the same. I had also thought that way form a majority of my life. The reasoning behind that thinking is the way the education system is set up in North America. As…

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Polymath Skills

Writing about a time I realized I was wrong

I’m trying to take a new approach with blogging today. Since I can not keep a regular blog posting about tech, I’ve decided to use writing prompts instead. The reason for doing this is to try and write a post a day. In participating in these daily writing exercises, I hope to improve my written communication skills. To generate topics to write about, I am using the article “52 Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Next…

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