My Journey through Tech

My Journey through Tech: Cybrary’s SOC Pathway

While still waiting for funding to be released I continue to educate myself outside of the curriculum of my current program. From previous blogs I stated that I look for a variety of sources to teach myself anything I can about tech. While most resources focus on making the development aspects more accessible, the underlying implementation of web infrastructure seems to get less attention then most. You see being a web developer is, oh damn.…

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My Journey through Tech

My Journey through Tech: Practical Circuits and Electronics Fabrication

While still waiting around in funding limbo for school I’ve had my first real hands on experience with practical engineering. Tuesdays are my scheduled lab days for practical circuits from 1000 to 1200 followed by electronic fabrication lecture from 1300 to 1500 and finally electronic fabrication lab from1500 to 1700. Granted this is still the introductory week we’ve already gotten started by getting introduced to the the work area and tools. The first class practical…

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My Journey through Tech

Back in school and already stifled

A question for the audience, what do you think of when you here the word innovative? You’ve probably thought things like forward thinking, new, evolving, growth etc. These are things that I was expecting from my first week at computer eningeering course. I am excited that I get to learn about the hardware and software that makes a computer run. I set up my text editors and configuration files to get a bunch of tools…

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My Journey through Tech

My Journey through Tech: Automation Scripting

Do you know what human beings are really good at? Offloading labour onto machines. I mean, we are a species that has tried and, at varying rates, succeeded in automating our survival. A few examples come to mind transportation, medicine, manufacturing, food processing, etc. Things that were once labour intensive were reduced from years to months, then weeks, days… get the idea. Some will argue that separating survival from work has made us less human…

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My Journey through Tech

My Journey through Tech: Cybersecurity, not just for big firms anymore

Welcome back to I’m your host, the perpetually alcoholic Jonathan, and I hate my employment… a good thing there’s the internet so that I can figure a way out. Anyway, this is another entry into the “My Journey through Tech” series. I write down my various attempts to gain digital skills, understand them, and grow into a better human being than before. Today’s topic is cybersecurity, something implemented in almost every online interaction but…

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My Journey through Tech

My Journey through Tech: First Attempts at Programming

Welcome back to As you know, my name is Jonathan, and I am here to write down my attempts at getting into the tech sector. In days past, technology was thought to be accessible only to those who were perceived as having some “talent/gift” of computer knowledge. Today, however, technical knowledge is more accessible thanks to the internet bringing people who want to share this knowledge with others. The result is an infinite possibility…

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My Journey through Tech

My Journey through Tech: A possible series

Greetings all, and welcome back to afropolymath, my blog on writing out my thoughts to become a new person. So after thinking on it for a while, I’ve decided to make an article series about my various forays into self-taught technology education. I’ve decided to call this series my journey through tech. I believe that if I write out what I’m trying to learn, I will be more likely to complete the number of MOOCs(Massive…

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