Writing Prompts

Prompts that I find on from blog posts or books to help me write.

I have adjusted my postings to every other day until the challenge is over. Today's prompt is how negativity impacts
  Today is the halfway point of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. No prompt today, just my own thoughts. In
  It is now the fourteenth day of this blogging challenge. I missed yesterday's posting due to fatigue, but I
Today I'm getting back to using writing prompts. I started to write this challenge to replace a negative habit of
I am still using writing prompts to build my foundations. Today's prompt is stating the meaning of my life. The
  I have now been writing for five days in a row.  Continuing these 30 days of blogging is making
  It is now the fourth day of this 30-day blogging challenger. As stated in previous posts, I am using
  It is now the third day of my 30 Days of Blogging Challenge. Previously I announced using prompts to
It is now day two of my  30 days of blogging commitment. I am now experiencing the same problem I
The subject of today's prompt is: "something that keeps me up at night". Currently it's RWAs(right wing authoritans). Authoritarian, is