Trapped Inside Myself

Things I’ve Come to Accept: Economics

It’s been more than a month since my father passed. I no longer grieve his absence, for his memory lives on within my mother, my brother and myself. We are all proof of his existence of sixty-seven years on this planet. Although he only lived half of his potential lifespan, the chronic health conditions and system of white inferiorization that robbed him of his remaining time; as the system does. In reading and reflecting on…

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Somthing I lost and will never get back

For today’s writing prompt, I have to think a little deeper about this question. It isn’t so much that I’ve lost a material thing, but I think the experinces of childhood.The reason I say this is because my father became very sick when I was child. It  was twenty years ago that my father suffered a pulmonary embolism that nearly killed him. My brother and I were home for summer break, hanging out and wathcing…

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