Trapped Inside Myself

Things I’ve Come to Accept: Economics

It’s been more than a month since my father passed. I no longer grieve his absence, for his memory lives on within my mother, my brother and myself. We are all proof of his existence of sixty-seven years on this planet. Although he only lived half of his potential lifespan, the chronic health conditions and system of white inferiorization that robbed him of his remaining time; as the system does. In reading and reflecting on…

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My Journey through Tech

My Journey Through Tech: Junior IT Analyst Program day 60

It has been quite some time since my last posting. The cohort is going extremely well. As of writing, I have completed the Core 1 exam for Comptia’s A+ certification. This is the first real step I’ve taken to having my skill verified. The only difficulty at this time is the global pandemic that is the corona virus. Due to it’s spread across the globe, my country has insitigated a nation wide quarantine. While this…

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My Journey through Tech

Back in school and already stifled

A question for the audience, what do you think of when you here the word innovative? You’ve probably thought things like forward thinking, new, evolving, growth etc. These are things that I was expecting from my first week at computer eningeering course. I am excited that I get to learn about the hardware and software that makes a computer run. I set up my text editors and configuration files to get a bunch of tools…

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Books than inspire me: Think Like an Engineer

Hello all and welcome to, I’ m Jonathan Thomas and today I’m feeling inspired. Part of my journey in lifelong learning involves reading books that pique interest and help shape the person I hope to become. Reading is paramount to that transformation. Over the holidays I finished a wonderful book titled “Think Like an Engineer” by Guru Madhavan. Engineers are people that tend to look at the bigger picture of the world we in…

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