
My darkest teacher: life

Continuing with today’s prompt, I’m to write about my darkest teacher. I believe we have all had a teacher that made us feel uncomfortable. Not in the sense of sexual advances or petit-tyrants.In my case as an introverted Black man, life is my darkest teacher. To have any proof of that, one must simply look to the uprisings occuring in the world today.

In order for the rich and powerful to maintain their unearned positions, they create petty divisions among the populace. Blacks were designated the bottom of the social hierearchy. For centuries the been exploitations of their bodies was common place.

Only stupid children believe this narrative. Unfortunately, people who entertain these thoughts occupy positions of authority. The People of Global Majority have often faced this cruel reality. The hypocrisy of freedom for all, except if one is not a white person. The knowledge of living in an unfair system has it’s own maladies.

The rise of mental health issues faced with socioeconomic uncertainty is no coincidence. They are two sides of the same coin. Yet, there hope for the future. The reason the world is seeing these injustices is due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many people see that American success is based on unlimited exploitation.This is wrong, yet there are white americans who want to continue this unjust practice.

Unfortunately, the “deferrment” these white people have had now means nothing. It lays bare the lie of white supremacy for what it has always been. An affirmative action program for emotionally immature, mediocre, low-effort man-children.

To see these people taken down by a couple of months of mask wearing, is cathartic. The world is no longer putting up with their bullshit.

For these people have and always will be nothing.