Polymath Skills

New blog to express my thoughts

Hello and welcome to afropoylmath.com. My name is Jonathan Thomas, and I  hope to be considered a polymath one day. A polymath is described as having knowledge or mastery in several subjects(heavily paraphrased from Wikipedia). I’m writing this blog to catalog my attempts at learning subjects that interest me and maybe turn this into a career of some sort.  I’m not going to lie; things are always hit and miss when I attempt to stick with something. This is no exception, and to the people that eventually stumble upon this site, I apologize in advance.

Anyway, why attempt to be a polymath.? My interests have always varied, but I grew up in a time where people were expected to go through school, secure a job, procreate, and then die. This never really sat well with me because I never really been in jobs I enjoyed or saw any potential to make me a better person.

Starting this blog is one way to build me up to the person I want to be and seems to be a better stress reliever than drinking. Well, that’s all for the first post, gonna work on this later this week, so for now, peace.

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