My Journey through Tech

My journey through tech: Junior IT Analyst program day 8

In continuing on from my last post, here’s the reflection of the last couple of days in the IT analyst Bootcamp.


Morning commute and prep

We officially started the hardware portion for the A+ certification. It seems more like review since I last did the 901 theory 3 years ago. The only difference now is that they’ve added mobile and cloud technologies. So far my experience in proactively learning these on my own helped. Though I haven’t logged into the AWS portal in a while, might jump ahead of the curve and try that instead of insomnia.


We’re also in a new work group. These groups are assigned to us every three weeks so right now we’re learning to collaborate using the agile project management framework. We also got assigned Gantt Charts that are tracked through Google Drive.


Role: Designated Scrum master

Inside our group, I was designated(voluntold..) that I would be the scrum leader. I was part of scrums during the week at the sales job, but actuallybecoming a facilitator felt nice. It’s a chance to work on my active listening skills. It’s a communication skill that I need to improve upon but I’m locked into the role for the next three weeks.

Personal Notes

Whenever I’m put into a new social situation I still try to avoid speaking up. Even though I have a role as a facilitator doesn’t involve a lot of speaking, it seems that I’m deferred to for my understanding of the topics. This is something that I will have to refine and do less speaking to see what the other memebers could contribute. There’s still discomfort when engaging with people, I think it’s because this is a new group and I’m somewhat slow to open up to people.

It also prbably didn’t help that I’ve been up since 11pm the night befora and I’m just now running this. My sleep cycles have been weird since I stopped alcohol. It seems no matter when I try(and fail) to sleep I always end up waking at 2 or 3 in the morning. I guess I’ll research some better sleep methods.


Off to study trouble shooting methods and review storage devices for tomorrow,

Thanks for reading