Trapped Inside Myself Writing Prompts

30 Days of Blogging: Day 5 Open-mindedness

Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash


I have now been writing for five days in a row.  Continuing these 30 days of blogging is making me uncomfortable, but I had to commit to it like a fool. As stated before, I am using writing prompts to help build my writing foundations. Today’s prompt is about open-mindedness.


Why open-mindedness is important for me?

Throughout my life existing within the system of white supremacy I have often been seen as lesser than. My personality and behaviours are a direct result of the soft bigotry of low expectations. It was and still is humiliating, rage-inducing and wastes my potential. Society is conditioned to write off my existence.

There were attempts at learning that failed because of what others thought about me.  These injuries build up over time and change you in ways you can’t admit. It was one source of my alcoholism. Though I have withdrawn from the world, I have many unanswered questions about it.

My primary question is “what does it mean to be Human?”.  Autodidaticsm provides a sufficient answer. Open-mindedness is important to me because it helps me answer the above question. The internet has made gaining knowledge much easier. There are no real-life judgements of class, race, sexual orientation or any other arbitrary barriers. It gives me the opportunity to learn how to find answers and ask better questions. It provides a framework to become who I want to be.

A person who asks many questions and possibly has many answers.


Open-mindedness is a challenge.

Being alive is hard work. Finding out who we want to be is a privilege that many of us can ill afford, yet it is accessible. Open-mindedness neutralizes fear. It removes the shame of not knowing and adds to the knowledge I gain. Learning is anger management. The more I learn, the less I am enraged all the time. It’s a form of reclamation of robbed potential. I understand that what I learn and try to create won’t bring me fame or fortune, but it satisfies a life need that sex, money and drugs could never provide.

It provides me with the motivation to not be demotivated by the absurdity of the world. It is restorative.


I’m running out of things to say for this prompt.


Thank you for reading my piece. If you liked this story feel free to subscribe to Conditional Humanity.